3 Apr 2014


The visits to NGOs have just started in our Second Chance SchoolOn Tuesday morning, we had the privilege to go to a Pet Rescue Center nearby Gijón (Fundación Amigos del Perro –Dog Friends Foundation). The students took the opportunity to ask to the NGO workers some issues about the inner workings of the center and the volunteering actions they carry out. For this interview we used the questionnaire developed by all the countries that participate in the Volare Project. The answers will be translated to English to create a  digital publication (“Discover your city and its resources”) containing all the information about the different resources in each city.
To our surprise, at the close of the visit they let the students walking the dogs as real volunteers. In words of our students, “it has been a really rewarding experience”.

Here you have a link to their web page http://www.amigosdelperro.org/