11 Aug 2014

VOLARE partner – “Il Laboratorio” Center for Education at Work in Genova

The Società Cooperativa Sociale Il Laboratorio was founded in 1983 (the legal constitution in 1985) with the aim of promoting the creation and management of social and educational services for children and young disadvantaged people in Genova’ historical center. This area of the city has always been characterized by situations of socio-economic and cultural deprivation. All over these 25 years of experience the constant attention and reading needs of the area and the synergistic action with local services (public and private) network has always been a hallmark of the cooperative. The organization is a partner in many local projects and participates in various initiatives promoted by local agencies.
The Centro di Educazione al Lavoro Il Laboratorio (“Center for Education at Work”) is a particular service of Cooperative, a daytime frequency structure in place since 1983 that carries out educational interventions, training and guidance to work; the target group is young people 16-20 aged, italian and foreign, being residents in Genoa City; young people who, for different reasons, are not engaged in Education, Employment or Training[ and not yet able to adequately benefit of other existing services, nor to fulfill in autonomy a boot path to work and want to have a “second training chance”
The structure allows them to experience and consolidate their skills and competences in a gradual and protected manner, getting positively in touch with work field. The Centre, through the activation of individual paths, offers to young people the opportunity to build their own professional identity work. Starting point of all paths is generally the simple acquisition of basic rules of the work environment to get, progressively and each according to their individual characteristics, to real working environments, directly experienced (internships in companies).
For every young an individual education plan is drawn up (P.E.I. Progetto Educativo Individuale). This draft is built on personal attitudes and abilities, expectations and any requests, according with young, his family and social services and recalibrated in progress if needed. Then he/she starts the training at centre in different activities lead by educators: Carpentry, Woodworking, Ceramics, Handcrafts, Computer. The final step is internship, timing varying on individual cases. The average path length at centre is 1 or 2 years.