The Second Chance School of Gijón was founded in 2001 and since 2002 is a member of the European Association of Cities with Second Chance S...
Volunteering Week in Second Chance School
As told you some days ago, Second Chance School has begun its second part of the European Project VOLARE in which the city of Gijón is ...
A voluntary action in Genova: "Operazione Tappabuchi 2.0"
Genoa October 3, 2014 "It was a morning unlike any other - says Emanuele , 18 years – I have plugged f...
VHS Aachen at children`s home „Maria im Tann“
On 23. 10. 2014 a student group of VHS Aachen visited the children`s home “Maria im Tann” in Aachen. This is a catholic institutio...
Second Reunion of the VOLARE PROYECT in Riga
Last October the10th seven partners of the six countries involved in the project VOLARE (Volunteering for the Reinsertion Into Action...
VHS Aachen at the Voluntary Fire Brigade
On 5.11. the VOLARE student group of VHS Aachen visited the Fire Brigade of the City Region Aachen. This municipal fire brigade cooperat...
Successful first volunteering mobility in Sheffield and Doncaster!
Visitors from four different European countries came to Doncaster College and the Steel City to find out about volunteering! Throug...
VOLARE partner - Caritas Archdiocese of Gdansk
Caritas Archidiecezji Gdańskiej zart kosciola, ktory Organizacja przynosi Pomoc,, każdej osobie w potrzebie Bez wzgledu na światopogląd, ...
VOLARE partner – “Il Laboratorio” Center for Education at Work in Genova
VOLARE partner – “Il Laboratorio” Center for Education at Work in Genova The Società Cooperativa Sociale Il Laboratorio was...
VOLARE partner - Adult Education Centre Aachen, Germany
At the moment, Post-Compulsory Secondary Education is running 20 later school-leaving courses. It forms the crucial link between co...
"Real journey - Meeting people" Mobility in Poland
Mam wielka przyjemność zaprezentować Państwu film z wizyty u nas. 9-13-06.2014 SOPOT
The day 21 July 2014 we went to visit the Association MUSIC 4 PEACE , a NGO that deals with the collection of humanitarian aid to sen...